Believe it or not, desiccants are non-toxic, and they can do more than help your product dry. Desiccants can extend the life of razor blades, can fight camera condensation, and can dry out a wet cell phone! We answer your most common questions about desiccants below…

What are desiccants, and what are their benefits?
Desiccants are a dehydrating agent, that attract moisture from the atmosphere. They are typically used in transport, storage or maintenance of materials and products. Their purpose is to preserve product, and they do so by absorbing moisture and odor. The desiccants adsorb and hold particles of water in order to prevent bacteria growth. They are non-toxic, strong, durable, and easy to use. Desiccants also protect against product failure from corrosion.

What are the most common materials used in desiccants?

Do desiccants come in different shapes?

What desiccant sizes are available?
We offer various sizes for each desiccant we carry. Our Pillow Pak sizes range from 0.25 grams to 14 grams. Our Unit Paks range from 1/6 unit to 80 units (approx. 5.8 lbs). Silica Gel and Clay are also available in bulk bags, as well as a custom mix of three or more at a percentage.

What gram weight is suggested for my product?

For more information on our desiccants please Contact Us